
Is Potential Really Good Enough? (Men and Women)

People who are not ready for anything serious in life tend to be smooth talkers. They make excuse after excuse to extend the wait time. Here are some things to think about when it comes to this potentially better person.

Do You Know For Sure?

Have they spoken of goals to you or do you just think they have potential? If they have not spoken of goals nor have they performed steps actively to achieve any goals, then they probably have none and do not see goals as a priority in their life. Don’t be fooled by someone potentially looking as if they can be better when they don’t even care to become better.

Only Goes So Far

If they have said some things that maybe makes you think they will get it together, you can’t dwell on their words without actions behind them. Do you see them doing anything to work towards being a better person? They may say they are going to get a job, but you notice they can’t leave their room to stop playing video games or can’t seem to stop their gambling problem. Don’t get caught up with words. Some people can and will say anything to keep what they want around for their own benefit. They may not even care how it’s affecting you as long as everything is going peachy for them by having you around.

What About The Risks Of Losing Time?

How long are you really willing to wait on them? We only have one life to live. Live it wisely. Waiting for months and years for nothing will disappoint you more than them not getting it together. After waiting too long, you may start to realize you are older than before and nothing has changed in your love life. Then, you may think about starting over completely with someone else. What if you can actually get a headstart on this earlier in your life?

What About Having Someone Who Already Surpassed Potential?

What if you come across someone who has everything in place already or close? They could already have their career in progress, carry themselves nicely, a respectful persona…morals. If all that has already been put in place, you two could focus solely on you two instead of having to fix one another or wait for one or the other to be fixed. It’s nothing wrong with growing with each other now…but you can’t do that with everyone. If one can’t bring anything to the table, there is no point! Save yourself more time to enjoy rather than time wasted in hoping and wondering.

Is All The Stressing Really Good For Your Health?

Believe me, I know this is stressing you out. Do you really want to run your body down with all this stress? You need to remain your best in case your match appears one day. You don’t want to become too burnt out for the right person. Why endanger your health from too much stress when you can remain stress-free and be at your best for when your significant other shows up?

Now What…

Don’t settle for someone who has potential unless they are putting the efforts in to change themselves. If they are actually performing steps towards becoming better, then it won’t take long. Words will only cause you to waste your life and additional life stressors that you don’t have to deal with.

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