
Life as an Only Child

One would think as an only child, I would be a spoiled brat, right? That couldn’t be further from the truth.” What is the best way to learn how the life as an only child is than from an only child like myself?

Preference of Small Circles

As an only child, I didn’t experience the constant differing personalities from siblings. I was more in tune with myself; therefore, I only got accustomed to my own personality. Over time, I realized that juggling so many different personalities in school was overwhelming. I wasn’t used to being around others in my age group that were different from me.

At home, it would only be me, an only child. At school, there would be several other kids. I tried the groups of friends thing more than once throughout my life, but it came crashing down every time. I wondered why but realized that being an only child made me introverted. I was the target for bullying and outcasting. I was always misunderstood and told I looked mean. I was even labeled as “stuck up” at times.

Times of Loneliness

At times, you will feel lonely. This could be due to not having siblings living with you. This can go into adult hood as well. You’ll probably find yourself looking for sibling-like friends and hope for great relationships with your boyfriends. Let’s face it, the people introverts are interested in can become almost like their everything. They become their focus in addition to themselves.

Desire For Siblings

There may be times when you wonder what it’s like to have a sister or brother. You may even feel some depressive emotions when hearing about your friends’ siblings. It’s not like you can simply sit down and call your sister to come hang or your big brother to ask for men advice. This can become a big void in your life.

More Protective Parent

You may even become a highly protective parent. When it comes to your child’s mental well-being and development, you probably take it more serious than a parent who didn’t grow up as an only child. This can be due to your own parent(s). Parents with one child usually are very protective over then being that they are the only kid they have. Their mindset is driven with the thought of losing their only child and becoming motherless/fatherless. Their only child becomes their world almost.

More Independent

You will more likely feel as though you can handle most things on your own. There will be no waiting around on others to do things for you. Since doing most things on your own becomes your norm, you actually become more determined and ambitious.

In Conclusion…

Being an only child has its negatives but also it’s perks. My advice to you if you are an only child is to love your family and make the best out of your situation. Also, be careful in who you let around you. You don’t want to add unworthy people around you just to increase the amount of people in your life. Throw yourself into you as a person and wait on the right people to enter into your world.