
  • Inspiration

    Ignoring What Others Think of You

    When you could care less about what others think of you, you will fall on either side of the spectrum…”the most hated” or “lame. Who cares what others think, right? Here are benefits that come with releasing that care for how others feel about you…see below. Contentedness As you focus more on your feelings about yourself while weeding out what others feel about you, you become more content with yourself. You start to develop the mindset of a confident person. It won’t matter what negative things a person has to say about you. You’ll know what’s true and what’s not but also stand by it. Stronger You will tend to…

  • Inspiration

    Coping with Loneliness

    Tips 1. Get Occupied Even if it’s simply going to a park, it beats sitting in the house where you can think of negative things the most. If you can’t drive anywhere at the moment, watch a series that can get your negative thoughts out of your mind and on to the plot. Try hobbies like reading or even blogging. 2. Pursue Passions Believe it or not, this time alone is a great time to go after everything you want to do in your life. Try things you never thought you would succeed at. Have you ever thought about being a dancer or actress? Try different side gigs out. You…

  • Inspiration

    Life As An Introvert

    Personal Experience Based Psychology was my major in undergrad, and I found the topic “introvert” to be extremely interesting. This blog post on introverts is coming from my own life experiences as an introvert. I feel as though getting a personal understanding of this personality trait will give you more of an inside perspective of what it is like to be one. Hopefully, it will also help you determine if you too may carry this personality trait. Yes, you may find other sites that give you the breakdown of an introverted personality, but this blog breaks down numerous categories on this topic from development to adaptation along with a personal…

  • Inspiration

    Life as an Only Child

    One would think as an only child, I would be a spoiled brat, right? That couldn’t be further from the truth.” What is the best way to learn how the life as an only child is than from an only child like myself? Preference of Small Circles As an only child, I didn’t experience the constant differing personalities from siblings. I was more in tune with myself; therefore, I only got accustomed to my own personality. Over time, I realized that juggling so many different personalities in school was overwhelming. I wasn’t used to being around others in my age group that were different from me. At home, it would…

  • Inspiration

    Dealing with Negative Life Experiences | How to Cope

    Reduce Impact The keys to reducing your amount of stress from negative life experiences are prevention and a more mature reaction. What does prevention do? It creates more of a probability that you won’t go through the same problems as often in the future or creates a less likely chance that you will freak out as badly about it the next time it happens. I didn’t say completely eliminate the issues…well because it’s life. We’re going to have some of the same problems happen over and over again, but you can learn to handle it better the next time it happens. Prevention strategies can be learned to take some control…

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  • Inspiration

    How to Conquer Self-Improvement

    Only Accept What You Deserve When it comes to your desires, accept nothing less. Only tolerate what amounts to your worth. This goes for anyone or anything in life. If your significant other is not doing what you ask of ever then maybe he/she shouldn’t be your significant other. If your job is treating you as if you don’t have a degree when you certainly have one, then maybe it’s not the place for you to work. Work On Your Flaws These could be flaws you know about or what someone else has noticed about you. Take some time to think to yourself about if the flaws other people notice…

  • Inspiration

    Being a Giver

    Pros Having It To Give Have you ever just admired the fact that you had something to give to someone who was in need? Whether it be advice, money, clothes, etc., this can show that you are in a good space in your life. Most likely, you have succeeded in striving for your goals and accomplished stability, which then gives you the ability to share it all with others. Happiness Being a giver can make you feel good when others are actually happy about your good deeds. When I see someone smile and benefit off of what I’ve done for them, I immediately feel happy as well. To share your…