
Being a Giver


Having It To Give

Have you ever just admired the fact that you had something to give to someone who was in need? Whether it be advice, money, clothes, etc., this can show that you are in a good space in your life. Most likely, you have succeeded in striving for your goals and accomplished stability, which then gives you the ability to share it all with others.


Being a giver can make you feel good when others are actually happy about your good deeds. When I see someone smile and benefit off of what I’ve done for them, I immediately feel happy as well. To share your giving gift is what God wants you to do. Fulfilling your purpose is where your happiness is found. 


A cherishing gift that makes a person feel even greater about what they have given to others is appreciation. Personally, I do not give to receive. Some people will give back or just simply show appreciation through their words. Although I do not require either, it is highly appreciated. It gives me even more of a feeling of accomplishment when it comes to fulfilling my purpose of giving.

Desire To Give More

This is a benefit for the person you give to and yourself. Giving to the world is a beautiful thing. It makes you feel good about yourself and can raise your own confidence when done the right way. Imagine people who give inspirational advice to others about serious issues they may have gone through in life. They may have had a difficult time coping with it and even hit rock bottom from it. Sharing an experience so great as that can give others hope and help them get through their own obstacles.


Constant Giving

Some of you may ask, “Why is constant giving under the cons section?”. Having the gift of giving does mean you constantly give, right? Well…of course it does! However, do not give until you have nothing. If you want to give your last, then make sure that the last you give is to someone very important, such as, a child, parent, grandparent, or whoever else that is close to you. If you see a homeless person, do not give your last, because you simply do not have it to give. They will get what they need from others that pass by. Do not feel bad about it either. You not having it just means you were not meant to give them what they needed or desired at that time. This rule also applies for when you may give so much to the wrong people.

Not Appreciated

When giving to the wrong people, you may experience a lack of appreciation. Not everyone who receives generosity knows how to accept it or honor it. You may never get a “thank you” even when giving to a person on a daily basis. The hard and honest trust is that you just sometimes won’t get appreciation from others even if you feel as though you have given them your life.

Feeling Used

Givers can sometimes suffer from feeling like they are only good for what they have. Some people will only be around you for the things you do for them. It sucks to have someone around who cannot value you for the person you are, but it is life. We just have to face the fact that those type of people are everywhere! Please don’t lose sleep over it.

Feeling Empty

Unfortunately, some of us givers feel empty for giving so much to someone for so little in return. As I stated earlier, I do not give to receive, but when giving so much in a relationship or friendship, you feel as though the other person would naturally give too, right? Well, this is not always the case. For instance, I could cook for my significant other daily, but he may only take me on a date once every 3 months. This can give you such an empty feeling, because you may be continuously giving your complete self for only crumbs that make you want more. You may feel as if you are starving after each scarce meal.

Feeling Like A Fool

After years of giving to someone you care for without reciprocation, you may feel like a pushover. You may have given pass your limit, because you care so much for this person. You continue to see little to no appreciation but more requests! As a result, you may start to feel quite stupid for constantly giving in. The hard part about being a giver is the difficulty to say “no”. There are not many people who understand this struggle, because it honestly takes a different type of heart to relate to it! Givers have the daily feeling of wanting to satisfy others to make them happy.

Words of Advice to Givers

Keep Giving No Matter What

Even when you feel dispirited after giving to certain people, do not let these undeserving people stop you from giving. Continue to fulfill your purpose, and the best will be yet to come. Just remember, only give when it makes you feel satisfied. When you realize that giving something or to someone is making you feel depressed, stop it immediately. It is not the correct way, and your gift is being wasted. You will be able to feel when giving is appropriate. To get pass the unfortunate times, realize that not everyone is going to be like you in terms of generosity. You may be the only shoulder to cry on amongst so many other people. Not everyone was given this gift of giving from God like you. Accept your gift and well you know…embrace it!